Wednesday 30 January 2013

The Bodging Project

Gareth Neal working in Clissett Wood
27 March – 2 June 2013

The Bodging Project’s creative adventures and woodworking experiments will be showing at The Harley Gallery, Welbeck from 27 March to 2 June. Visit to explore the relationship between traditional craft skills and contemporary design.

The exhibition will tell the tale of 10 furniture designers and what happened when they went to the woods.

In a series of workshops, The Bodging Project took top furniture designers to work in the woods and to go back-to-basics with traditional ‘bodging’ techniques - which use green, unseasoned wood and low tech tools.

The 10 designers will each show 3 pieces of their work:

‘Before the bodge’ – a manufactured piece of furniture
‘At the bodge’ a piece made by hand in the woods, using green wood techniques
‘After the bodge’, made when the designers returned to their normal practice. As Chris Eckersley explained; ‘although we’d moved out of the woods and into the factory, we’d somehow retained the ‘bodge’ way of thinking’.

Work made by The Bodging Project’s Lloyd Loom Elves will also be on show. Creeping into the Lloyd Loom factory in Spalding, Lincolnshire one weekend, a group of designers were able to play with Lloyd Loom’s iconic twisted paper materials, creating new exciting designs and trying different, unusual techniques. 

Visit The Bodging Project from 27 March – 2 June to discover these designers’ adventures from factories, to the forest, and back again.

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