Monday 17 December 2012

The Harley Open Exhibition 2013

Saturday 26 January - Sunday 17 March
The Harley Gallery Open Exhibition returns for it's second year from 26 January to 17 March. Visit The Harley Gallery, Welbeck to see the selected artwork and enjoy a wide range of artistic talent; and to discover the prizewinning pieces!

The popular art competition attracts hundreds of entries, with around 140 being selected for the final exhibition.  Anyone can enter this competition, and The Harley Gallery has been delighted to see artworks from artists of all ages, both professional and just starting out, and ranging from oil paintings to embroideries to collage. 
The exhibited artworks this year have been  specially selected by Jeremy Webster, from The National Centre for Craft and Design, Sleaford; Michelle Bowen from Primary Studios, Nottingham, and Mervyn Mitchell, Photographic Artist from Nottingham.

Not only is the Open Exhibition a great chance to see a diverse, exciting range of artwork – many of the pieces will be for sale so you can buy your favourite piece, too. The Harley Gallery offers Own Art, a scheme which helps to make contemporary art affordable by providing the opportunity to spread your payments over 10 months. It’s a great way to take home your favourite artwork!

The Harley Gallery is delighted to announce that from 2013, the Open Exhibition will be a regular, biennial event.

Visit the Harley Open Exhibition from 26 January - 17 March to see the selected artworks in this popular art competition. Choose your favourites and have the chance to buy your own piece of contemporary art - from embroideries to oil paintings to photography.  

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